Lake in the Hills Concrete Raising Services

Concrete Lifting and Leveling in Lake in the Hills, IL

Algonquin Concrete Raising

Does your Lake in the Hills home or business suffer from a sunken and settled concrete sidewalk, patio or driveway?

We are the first concrete raising and repair company located in the Northwest suburbs focused on using modern polyurethane injection systems to lift and level settled concrete. Compared to other methods, we provide cleaner and less invasive solutions! By utilizing current technology, we are able to provide customers with the most impressive results possible.

Long-Lasting Concrete Lifting Solutions

There are two primary methods for lifting sunken concrete: Polyurethane Injection and Mudjacking. Acme Concrete prefers to use the Polyurethane method, but before starting your concrete raising project we recommend you educate yourself about the benefits of polyurethane compared to mudjacking and other leveling options. Acme is proud to provide clean, simple, long-lasting repair solutions that virtually eliminate the need for sunken concrete removal & replacement. By saving Lake in the Hills customers money and frustration, we’ve become the most trusted resource for saving concrete and can help you decide which concrete lifting and leveling solution is right for you!

Lake in the Hills Service Area