Professional Concrete Raising Services in Northern IL

Concrete Raising Northern IL Services for Chicago's Suburbs

Settled concrete is a common problem across Northern Illinois. Our harsh winters, spring thaws, and dry summers wreak havoc on soil and concrete. Just as our seasons change, so does the ground and surrounding concrete.

Every year, the weather in Northern Illinois often involves several thaw and refreezing cycles. When the ground changes, our concrete changes, and these changes cause problems – including settling. Concrete that sinks can create safety hazards, drainage issues and affect property values. 

Acme Concrete’s primary focus is to provide the best solution and leveling services possible for sinking concrete. We do this with a team of skilled professionals who provide outstanding service across the Northwest suburbs of Illinois.

Smart Lift System - The Ultimate Solution for Settled Concrete

We created the Smart Lift System which specifically addresses the problems associated with sunken concrete. From raising sunken concrete to joint sealing and deep stabilization – 

Acme Concrete Raising & Repair does it all! We understand each and every job can be comprised of a unique set of circumstances.

Providing cost-effective solutions that resolve underlying problems and providing repairs that last, is what our company is skilled at. With proper planning, our concrete lifting services can permanently raise and support nearly any concrete flatwork. This includes;

  • Sidewalks, 
  • Driveways, 
  • Patios, 
  • Steps, 
  • Stoops, 
  • Porches as well as 
  • Basement and garage floors.

Polyurethane Foam Injection – The Modern Way to Raise Concrete

Smart Lift System LogoA key component of Acme Concrete’s Smart Lift System is the material we use – Polyurethane. Once protected by US Patent, the method of raising concrete using polyurethane was specifically reserved for Department of Transportation projects. This advanced system was and still is, used for highways and bridge approaches. Acme Concrete refers to this technology as Polyurethane Concrete Raising.

Polyurethane foam injection gives stronger, lighter, and denser concrete lifting than traditional methods, and it’s also completely water-resistant, making it the best and most popular option. If your still on the fence about which method is best, check out our in-depth article: Polyurethane Foam Concrete Raising vs Mudjacking

How the Process Works

  1. Inspection of the site
  2. Drilling Injection Holes
  3. Injecting Polyurethane
  4. Clean-up

What Our Customers Say About Us

“I highly recommend Acme Concrete to anyone in need of concrete raising services. They were professional, courteous, and got the job done quickly and efficiently. I couldn’t be happier with the result!”

– Michael Williams

“Acme Concrete raised the concrete around my pool area, and now it looks brand new! They did an amazing job and the whole process was very smooth.”

– Amanda Brown

I had a sinking patio that was a real eyesore. Acme Concrete came in and fixed the problem quickly and efficiently. I couldn’t be happier with the result!”

– Sarah Johnson

What to Expect When Acme Raises Your Concrete

Hiring a contractor to perform work at your home or business can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with what is involved. Take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions Acme Concrete receives from homeowners and businesses!

  • Why should we hire Acme Concrete?

    There are many reasons why you should hire ACME, however, Here is why Our system is the best! 

    • Using a team of certified professionals, 
    • We support and stabilize concrete correctly, 
    • We’re quick & affordable and
    • Our repairs last! 

    The crew at Acme Concrete has invested the time and resources to provide you with a service that includes the most sophisticated concrete-raising equipment and materials available. We do NOT stock inexpensive mudjacking materials or operate mud pumps. Our customers deserve the best and therefore, we provide the best! We can guarantee you that no other place will offer you a better service and maintenance free.

  • What will my concrete look like when you’re done?

    We have dozens of before and after pictures that will show you just how great your concrete will look when we’re done. Our repair process is the most non-invasive option available today, unlike replacement and mud jacking operations which leaves noticeable changes after the drill holes are filled. Unlike or Smart Lift System, mud jacking can leave your concrete full of ugly patches. Our modernized equipment allows easy access for hard to reach and highly populated areas all with minimal disturbance and a quite smooth and even concrete surface. We routinely raise concrete along flower beds, landscape features, behind homes, and at active and operating commercial sites.

  • How long will it take to raise my concrete?

    The majority of residential projects are completed within a matter of hours. Larger, more complex jobs like commercial contracts may require a full day or longer. Still, unlike mud jacking, our advanced process allows unrestricted use of lifted concrete slabs immediately. If we raise a driveway – it can be driven on immediately. Our process for lifting concrete is so powerful, we have raised driveway sections with cars still parked on them! Learn more about the strength of polyurethane.

  • What about Safety, Health & the Environment? 

    If someone has raised concerns about using polyurethane, chances are they’re originating from a mudjacker. We’re a very health & safety-minded company and are ready to address any concerns you might have. We’ve even published an entire webpage dedicated to Health, Safety & the Environment.

    Book Your Consultation Today

    Acme Concrete is fully insured, has a great online presence, and has received a ton of 5-star reviews. But let’s not stop there, here’s, even more, to consider when hiring a contractor.

    Call us today for a free estimate through the number on our website for your concrete leveled

    Have Settled Concrete? Check out each page below to see where Acme Concrete has fixed specific problems just like yours and reach out today!

Have Settled Concrete? Check out each page below to see where Acme Concrete has fixed specific problems just like yours and reach out today!

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Please contact us with any questions about our concrete raising services or to request your free consultation. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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