The Ultimate Concrete Raising FAQ: Expert Guidance for 2024

In the realm of property maintenance and repair, concrete raising has emerged as a cost-effective and efficient alternative to the traditional method of tearing out and replacing uneven, sunken concrete slabs. Over the past four decades, the technology behind concrete raising has evolved significantly, moving away from outdated methods to embrace advanced solutions that offer durability and precision without the extensive damage of past practices.

What is Concrete Raising?

Concrete raising, often referred to as slab jacking or polyurethane foam injection, is designed to correct various problems associated with concrete settlement. This includes leveling uneven surfaces, resolving drainage issues, and adjusting the height of steps at porches, stoops, and other structures. Unlike the older mudjacking method that relied on water-based slurries, modern techniques utilize polyurethane injections, which provide a long-lasting solution without the need for large, unsightly holes in your concrete.

The Concrete Raising Process: A Closer Look

The contemporary method of raising concrete involves a sophisticated three-step process known as “Drill, Pump, Patch.” However, the success of this procedure starts well before these steps, with a thorough initial assessment conducted by experienced technicians. These professionals are the backbone of the process, equipped with specialized training and certification. They strategically drill small, dime-sized holes in the concrete, through which polyurethane material is injected. This material expands beneath the slabs, filling voids and raising the concrete to its correct position. The final step involves patching the injection holes with concrete that blends seamlessly over time, allowing for immediate use of the repaired area.

Types of Concrete That Can Be Raised

Virtually any sunken concrete slab is a candidate for raising, from sidewalks, driveways, and patios to interior floors in commercial and industrial buildings. The versatility of concrete raising technology means that size, weight, and even cracked slabs are not significant obstacles. This service extends the life of concrete that might otherwise be deemed beyond repair.

Choosing the Right Service Provider

The key to a successful concrete raising project lies in selecting a true specialist. Unlike multi-purpose companies that may offer concrete raising alongside other services, specialists focus solely on this craft. This focus ensures precision, expertise, and a deep understanding of the nuances involved in concrete raising. It’s crucial to seek out providers who employ certified technicians rather than salespeople for assessments, guaranteeing an expert evaluation and execution of the work.

Limitations and Considerations of Concrete Raising

While concrete raising is highly effective, it’s not always the best solution. Excessive damage, severe erosion around the slab, or slabs that have shifted significantly may require replacement instead. Moreover, if the original construction quality is poor, raising the concrete may not address the underlying issues. However, for approximately 90% of cases evaluated, raising is an appropriate and effective solution.

Longevity and Effectiveness of Raised Concrete

The use of polyurethane in concrete raising is not just a temporary fix but a durable solution that stands the test of time. Properly applied, it can withstand erosion, cracking, and shape changes for decades. The longevity of the repair also depends on ensuring adequate drainage around the slabs, which prevents water from undermining the repair. A professional service should offer a warranty, often extending beyond five years, as a testament to the durability of their work.


The advancements in concrete raising technology offer homeowners and property managers a reliable, cost-effective alternative to concrete replacement. As this field continues to evolve, it’s essential to stay informed and select the right professionals for the job. We invite you to explore our extensive library of content, including videos and articles that delve deeper into the world of concrete raising. Discover how this innovative solution can address your concrete issues efficiently and effectively.

Q: How long does concrete raising last?

A: When done correctly, using polyurethane foam, concrete raising can last for decades. The material’s durability, combined with proper application and drainage around the slabs, ensures a long-lasting repair.

Q: Can all types of concrete be raised?

A: Most sunken concrete surfaces, including sidewalks, driveways, patios, and interior floors, can be raised. There are few limitations regarding size, weight, or cracks.

Q: What is the difference between mudjacking and polyurethane foam injection?

A: Mudjacking uses a water-based slurry to raise concrete, which is less durable and requires larger holes. Polyurethane foam injection is a modern, more effective method that uses smaller holes and provides a longer-lasting solution.

Q: How do I choose a concrete raising specialist?

A: Look for a company specializing solely in concrete raising with certified technicians rather than multi-purpose companies that rely on salespeople for performing assessments. This ensures expertise and precision in the work performed.

Q: What are the limitations of concrete raising?

A: Concrete that has moved significantly off to the side or down a slope, or that has extensive damage may not be suitable for raising. In such cases, replacement might be a better option.

Q: Is concrete raising environmentally friendly?

A: Yes, concrete raising, especially using polyurethane foam, is considered an environmentally friendly option. Once cured, polyurethane is inert and reduces the need for new concrete, conserving resources and minimizing waste.

Q: How soon can I use my concrete after it has been raised?

A: One of the benefits of concrete raising is the minimal downtime. Typically, the area can be used immediately after the repair is completed, making it a convenient option for both residential and commercial properties.

For any further questions or to learn more about how concrete raising can benefit your property, feel free to reach out to our team of specialists.

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